Friday, March 29, 2013

DUI Attorneys Southern California

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence in Southern California, hiring an attorney who specializes in DUI defense is one of the first things you should do. Because DUI law can be complex, representing yourself or working with an attorney who is not familiar with DUI law is one of the fastest ways for you to lose your case and up serving jail time or losing your driving privileges. Southern California attorneys who specialize in DUI spend time reading about changes to the DUI laws, invest a great deal of time in staying up to date on developments in the field, and have access to resources that other attorneys cannot access. Working with a Southern California DUI attorney will give you the best chance for achieving a successful outcome once your case has come to an end.

DUI Attorneys Southern California Outline Types of DUI Cases

There are two ways a DUI case can be prosecuted in the state of California. The first way is if the prosecutor decides to concentrate on the defendant's level of impairment at the time of arrest. Being impaired means that the defendant was physically unable to safely remain in control of a motor vehicle at the time of arrest. Law enforcement officers may make note of any suspicious behaviors, erratic driving, the defendant's physical appearance, and other factors to determine the level of impairment. The other way a DUI case can be prosecuted is by focusing on the results of chemical testing. If the defendant's blood alcohol level was 0.08% at the time of testing, then the prosecutor can use this to show that the defendant is guilty of driving under the influence. In this type of case, no evidence about impairment needs to be introduced. Because dealing with chemical testing results and witness testimony can be complex, working with an attorney who specializes in DUI is the best way to present a defense at your criminal trial.

DUI Attorneys Southern California Outline Administrative DUI Penalties

If you are arrested for driving under the influence in California, your license will be suspended before your criminal trial even takes place. It is important to have an attorney who can represent you during any DMV hearings that take place regarding your driving privileges. If you are not able to get your driving privileges back, the suspension period will depend on the number of offenses you have had. A first offense results in a four-month suspension, a second offense results in a one-year suspension, a third offense results in a three-year suspension, and a fourth offense results in a four-year suspension. If you refuse to submit to chemical testing at the time of your arrest, the penalties are different. A first refusal will result in a suspension period of one year. This period increases to two years for a second refusal offense, three years for a third refusal, and four years for a fourth refusal. Because the loss of your driving privileges can wreak havoc on your life, having a Southern California attorney who specializes in DUI is important at every stage of your DUI case.

DUI Attorneys Southern California Outline California Criminal DUI Penalties

There is a wide range of criminal penalties available for driving under the influence convictions in California. These penalties are imposed on offenders with many factors considered before sentencing takes place. A judge may consider the offender's history, any prior offenses, aggravating circumstances, and any more serious offenses committed at the time of the DUI offense. A first conviction can result in up to six months of jail time, anywhere from $390 to $1,000 in fines, and the loss of your driving privileges for a period of six months. A second offense can result in 90 days to up to one year in jail, loss of your driving privileges for two years, and fines of $390 to $1,000 if the conviction occurs within ten years of the first conviction. If you accrue a third conviction, you can face a loss of driving privileges for three years, $390 to $1,000 in punitive fines, and anywhere from 120 days to one year in jail. Fourth offenses are charged as felonies and conviction of a fourth offense can result in two to three years in state prison, a loss of driving privileges for four years, and $390 to $1,000 in fines.

Because of the consequences of a DUI conviction on your record, having a Southern California DUI attorney on your team is important. Contact one as soon as you've been arrested and maintain your working relationship until the close of your case.

Creating a Protective Embrace for Your Home

One of the guiding principles of feng shui is that you need to not only create a positive energy flow from the elements located within your living space (both inside and outside your home), but also to create a layer of protection for the occupants of your home from the negative energy that comes from nearby sources - power lines, busy highways, dead-end streets, difficult neighbors, etc.

Thus, it is important to create an "embrace" for your home. In the principles of feng shui, your house needs to have an embrace in order to properly be protected from negative energy. This will allow you to retain the positive, inspiring energy that you have created for your home, rather than lose it to external forces that may be beyond your direct control.

So how do you create an embrace for your home? Well, simply put, you need to place energy-producing and energy-retaining objects around the sides and back of your home, to help shield it from negative energy. It helps to envision your yard as a large armchair, and your home as the seat of that armchair. By looking at it this way, you can see the sides and back of the chair wrapping around your home in a big protective embrace.

There are a number of ways to build this sort of energy-deflecting embrace for your home. The first is through using various trees to flank the sides and rear of your house. Trees are great items to use in an embrace formation, because not only do they help repel negative energy, they also provide a great amount of living energy for your home on their own. Think about it - trees bring a strong, stabilizing wood element into your home space, they provide shade (yin) against the harsh sunlight (yang) that shines down on your home, and they also provide living flowers and fruit for your olfactory and culinary enjoyment, respectively.

A second way to create a protective embrace for you home is to use objects such as fences or trellises to create a barrier against negative influences outside of your living space. You can not only use fences to block negative energy, but you can also use the material (wood, metal) and the color (white, red, blue, yellow) to bring in symbols of the five elements - fire, water, wood, metal, earth - to help create an energy balance around your home.

A third way to construct an embrace is to use flowers around the perimeter of your home. Flowers that have a soothing fragrance (lavender, honeysuckle) or that evoke the fire element (red, burgundy, or pink-colored flowers) are good for protecting your home from negative energy.

Protecting your home with feng shui is easier than you may have thought, especially if you have not studied the energy-producing powers of trees and plants. With a little practice, you will be able to create an embrace around your home that dispels all negativity and bad energy, making your house a healing sanctuary for you and your housemates.

Using Lactose Free SMA Baby Formula for Your Child

Has your pediatrician recommended lactose free SMA? It's difficult enough to find out that you have a food allergy but when your infant or older child does, it's even harder. Luckily, there are options available to ensure that you little one is getting the nourishment they need.

The mother's obstetrician will discuss with her the feeding options for her infant. Breastfeeding and the use of alternative formulas will be reviewed and what will be best for the baby. Doctors encourage new moms to breastfeed as breast milk gives the newborn the highest amounts of nourishment possible. Sometimes, breastfeeding is not the chosen option so alternatives must be used.

An alternative - If for some reason that you are unable to breastfeed or provide breast milk to your baby, there special formulated foods that you can give to your child instead. The brand SMA has been providing infant formulas for over 90 years, so you know that they know what they are talking about. From the beginning, their goal was to provide an alternative that was close as possible to breast milk. Today, they offer more than just that.

Guidelines - The brand SMA offers a number of products from formulas for preterm infants to a lactose free SMA formula. This is a very unique formula that can be given to babies from birth on up. This formula is to be part of a dietary management under the supervision of the baby's doctor. Not only is it a complete form of nutrition but it is easy for your baby's digestive system and tummy to handle.

It should be noted that SMA strongly advises that their lactose free SMA formula is not suitable for children who are allergic to cow's milk proteins, suffer from galactosaemia or must be on a galactose free diet. The formula is designed for those children who cannot tolerate lactose or sucrose. The formula also helps the wee ones when they experience tummy aches, gas or diarrhea.

Symptoms - How will you know if your baby is lactose intolerant? Usually only a temporary ailment, your child will have loose stools, gas, have trouble gaining or they have an unexplained weight loss. They may also experience abdominal pain; these symptoms may last several days to several weeks. If you have any concerns about your baby, you should consult with their doctor.

Some babies are given another SMA formula but are unable to properly digest it; if they are switched to the lactose free formula there shouldn't be any issues as the taste is the same. For the newborns and up until they begin solid foods, the lactose free SMA will provide the necessary amount of nutrition they require. Once the infant starts eating solid foods, then this formula can still be given as a replacement to their required daily milk or dairy intake.

Discovering that you baby has an intolerance to milk can be a disappointment; don't let this become an issue because it can be temporary and there are alternatives available. The availability of lactose free SMA offers that alternative for your baby until their system can digest solid foods or the intolerance goes away.

FRS Two Way Radios - A Cheap Alternative to Motorcycle Intercoms

Few things can offer the freedom that a motorcycle tour provides. Whether it is a planned vacation with friends or a simple run into the countryside to feel some fresh air hitting your face, the invigoration is enormous. Since on such tours you are usually not riding alone, a very important aspect is communication with companion riders for coordination and help, or even just to chat for fun.

There is such a wide selection of products that cover this need that you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for, for a price. Motorcycle intercoms can provide communication both with your passenger and with other riders. They come in many flavors, from simple wired solutions to wireless and Bluetooth. These ready products, while doing an excellent job, usually come at a high price.

As a first, naive, alternative solution one might think of cellular phones, since everyone owns one nowadays. Motorcycle headsets for cellular phones exist and they are not very expensive. However, it is very inconvenient, not to mention expensive, to dial a number each time you want to talk to someone. Network coverage is also an issue, since on such tours you might venture into places where no cellular base station is in proximity.

A much better choice would be to resort to the use of cheap and reliable two way radios. These radios operate ad-hoc, meaning that they do not require the existence of a base station. While entry level radios are generally very cheap, they do not provide particularly good operation ranges. This should not be a problem though, since your fellow riders will most probably be very near you and commercial motorcycle intercom devices would not have a larger range anyway. The best solution would be an FRS (Family Radio Service) capable two way radio, since the FRS service does not require a license, coupled with a two way radio helmet headset. You should look for radios with VOX (Voice Activated Transmit) and a compatible headset accessory to keep your hands completely free while enjoying the ride. A potential problem is the lack of privacy, which can result in extreme cross-chatter in densely populated areas but out in the country and while cruising on highways, this will not be a problem.

Skin Cancer Warning Signs - Prevention and Detection

Any kind of cancer is frightening and potentially deadly, but skin cancer is not only preventable, but also detectable and easily treated in its early stages. If skin cancer is detected in its earliest stages, you may be able to remove it completely through outpatient surgery without having to undergo any further radiation or chemotherapy. If you adopt behavior which reduces risk factors for skin cancer, and learn to detect skin cancer warning signs, skin cancer will not cause you unnecessary suffering.

Risk factor is a term used for factors associated with higher instances of contracting a disease. The exact cause-effect relationship is not scientifically proven, although reasons are often hypothesized and widely assumed to be true, but the statistical relationship between risk factors and contracting a specific disease is proven.

It may already be too late for you to avoid one of the risk factors for skin cancer, which is having had a blistering sunburn at any point in your life. This is specifically a sunburn severe enough to cause blisters in the skin due to overexposure to UV radiation. Avoid severe sunburns in the future whether you have ever suffered one or not, and avoid exposing yourself to too much sun in general. If you have children, you can greatly reduce their risk of skin cancer in the future making sure they do not suffer a severe sunburn during their childhood.

The midday sun should be avoided if possible, and strong sunscreen or protective clothing significantly reduce skin cancer risk. The most common place for skin cancer to present itself is on the face, although it can be anywhere on your skin and in the case of melanoma, in the eye. Brimmed hats or sunscreen and UV blocking shades are recommended.

If your doctor detects skin cancer in its earliest stages, the treatment will be the relatively painless surgical removal of the tumor and any surrounding tissue which may contain cancerous cells, and this may be the only treatment you need to get rid of the tumor and prevent it from growing back. As the disease progresses, the treatment gets more severe, including surgical removal of lymph nodes, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and the side effects that come along with these treatments. If a tumor is allowed to metastasize, or spread to other parts of the body, skin cancer may become deadly.

You can make sure skin cancer is detected early by doing periodical examinations of your skin to look for any changes. Moles are normal, but if you have irregularly shaped moles (dysplastic nevi), you may want a doctor's help to watch for any changes in these moles and assure that they do not turn into melanoma. If moles grow in size, change shape or color, or the surrounding tissue becomes irritated, you should see a doctor. Also check for lumps, which may be your skin tone or red, and any odd sores or rashes that do not heal. If you see any of these, they should be reviewed by a doctor.

You can lower the risk of suffering from skin cancer through prevention and by checking for skin cancer warning signs.

Website Development - A Small Business Necessity

You are a small business owner and you understand just how important web presence is for the development and popularity of your company. When deciding how to make a website, you need to take in consideration the specifics that will promote your products and services.

Small business websites can use several simple approaches that will increase their popularity and ultimately lead to better brand recognition. High traffic and audience loyalty will ultimately translate into more sales and higher revenue.

Corporate Identity You should use your small business website to introduce and enforce your corporate identity. The goal can be achieved in a number of ways.

The creation of a unique and memorable logo is very important. People today are bombarded by dozens of marketing messages and they will have difficulties remembering new brands. A clever, emotion-provoking logo can make all the difference in the world.

Utilize your corporate colors throughout the website design. Sticking to your corporate color scheme will once again make it easier for website visitors to remember you, your products and services.

Interactivity A corporate website is a great way to interact with your clients and to find out how to lure these people into making a purchase.

The simplest and most efficient interactivity option is the addition of comments to the website's content pages. This way, website visitors will be free to ask you questions and to provide you with valuable feedback.

Product ratings are another useful interactivity feature. People will use a rating button to show you which products are most intriguing. Once you get this information, you can modify your marketing strategy to lure more clients.

Content is King Although design is important for the success of a small business website, you need to remember that content is still king. All other website elements should put emphasis on the text and the visuals that present your products.

Functionalities are very important but their excessive usage can divert attention away from the content. Although it may be fun for the website's visitors, it will diminish a page's focus, making it more difficult to understand what your call to action is.

SEO-Friendly Search engine optimization is one of the most important and effective forms of website marketing. This is why the development of your small business website should include SEO as one of the primary elements.

Both the design and the content need to be search engine friendly. If necessary, consult a professional in the sector to find out how you can optimize your website and increase the traffic you are getting from search engine referrals.

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